Jehova-jireh: God will Provide
In the Old Testament, Israelites would use different names to describe God's character. Most of the time, it was as a result of the Lord meeting a need. One of His many names is Jehova-jireh and it means God will provide. The first place you find it used is in the story of Abraham being told by God to go sacrifice his son Isaac (Gen. 22). At the very last second, God provided an animal for Abraham to substitute instead. The story is a great illustration of how God responds to a faithful servant. This past year God has proven himself "Provider" over and over again. Even in the little things. When He showed himself in such ways, at times I was completely amazed by what He had done! I literally would smile at just how awesome He was and what He accomplished... Mike would laugh and say, "Why are you so amazed? You should expect it!" And he's right--I should have expected it. Sometimes, it takes me a while to learn. ...