Some History...

Gary and Patty Heiney moved to Venezuela about 20 years ago to pastor an Assemblies of God church in Caracas.  When they arrived, they noticed the streets full of neglected children.  Their hearts broke and they just said a quick prayer, "Lord, help us to help these children."  They did what they could through their church, but they always felt they could do more.  It wasn't until 2005 that a suitable piece of property became available.  18 Acres, not too far out of Caracas.  They stepped out in faith and made an offer to purchase, believing God would provide the financial means necessary.  And he did.  That started what is now known as "Samuel's House."

The master plan consisted of a community setting instead of a typical institutional one.  Each finished home would have a set of house parents (a married couple) and up to 10 kids.  The initial property was large enough, so an orchard was planned with the intention of producing income.  After some of the homes were completed, a sewing center was put up.  Again, the intention was to use the center to produce revenue for Samuel's House.

Eventually, a nearby property was put up for sale--100 acres of land suitable for farming.  This property was added in order to expand the farming operation.  There were "screen houses" put up (a green house but instead of glass and plastic, it's just a screen) to grow tomatoes and peppers.  Then came a chicken coop (we process about 1000 chickens a month).  All so the children's home can become self-sustaining and give back to the community.

Currently there are 42 children living at Samuel's House but we have room for 80.  We need to get the farming operation ("agribusiness") going so we can hire more house parents and rescue more abandoned children!  That is why we are so excited to be part of this ministry.  God is doing amazing things already.  I can't wait to see what he has in store!  This will be a Great Adventure!!  Thanks for tagging along.


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